Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Second Mile

OK, so I admit it. I am at mid-life. But instead of having a crisis, I am having a catharsis. A deep purging of my soul's desires and motivations. I look around me and I really don't want to be a statistic. I want to finish this race well. God has been dealing with me about Jesus' command that we are to go a second mile if asked. Though this passage is about mistreatment and persecution, I think there is a broader application as well. I began to realize that I may not be able to physically or emotionally handle being forced to go one mile, let alone be able to fulfill the command to go two. And it may not be an evil oppressor that is forcing me to go father then required. It may be my Lord asking me. If God asked me to reach a tribe high in the Himalayas, would I not only be willing, but physically would I be able? If it is His plan for me to remain active in full-time ministry until I am 80 years old, so that I can help bring in the end-time harvest of souls, am I shortchanging His plan because of poor eating and exercise habits today? I don't want to back into eternity by default. I want to be one of those Overcomers in Revelation 2 and 3, going from strength to strength, just hitting my fullest stride as I cross the finish line. I want to have stamina and longevity so I can hear the "well done". I want to be around for my wife and kids and grandkids for that matter and not end up in the emergency room because of my poor choices. But it won't happen because I wish it to. I have to set and obey strict boundaries in my life. I want to live a life of uncommon consecration, set apart for Him so His anointing rests heavy enough on me that others I touch can be set free. I need to cultivate deeper and deeper intimacy and partnership with my wife. I have to get on the treadmill daily, do the ab crunches and say no to overeating. I have to set the alarm earlier to spend more time to face the onslaught of evil all around me. I have to develop my ministry skills to not fall into complacency and professionalism. Going the second mile is more than a decision of a moment. It is the preparation of a life and an implementation of a lifestyle. I want to be able to go the second mile. To wherever He says, doing whatever He asks.