Thursday, August 16, 2012

I scream, you scream for escrime

The 2012 Summer Olympics are over. This time it was a unique opportunity to see the games broadcast on French television. That meant we saw a lot of coverage of some events that never got much attention from the American networks back in the day - like kayaking, handball, and fencing. Ah, fencing. A passion for the French. Here it is better known as escrime. I am sure the word comes form the sound made by a competitor getting jabbed repeatedly by a very sharp and pointy object. I couldn't help but think all that white protective gear made the event look like armed and dangerous bee-keepers jostling for territory in the orchard.

I found myself cheering enthusiastically for the French athletes. I don't think I've ever cheered for France in the Olympics before. But there I was, getting just as excited for the French women's basketball team and  men's gold-medal pole-vaulter, as I was for all the American swimmers, gymnasts and track stars. It was a great realization - knowing that France had now captivated our hearts to the point that I felt a pride and loyalty for a nation that had not been on our map for many years. Somehow, somewhere France got more ingrained in our hearts. That's what obedience can do.

We didn't come up with the idea to move to France. It was God's idea, that slowly became a choice we were willing to make out of sheer obedience. And after two years of deciding to follow His plan, the people and the place that were His choice for us, have now become a people and a place that we would choose again all on our own. Because of His grace. And because the love He has for any place and any person can be transplanted to our hearts in a real way. Sometimes we wait for feelings to be right before we move. For us, we moved, and the feelings got worked into the dough a little at a time. Whether it's forgiveness, loving our neighbor, or saying we're sorry, a little action can do wonders for an attitude. Go ahead - make that move. You just might be surprised at who you start rooting for.