Sunday, August 9, 2015

Spending Spree

Americans are drunk on choices, 
all those boistrous voices 
calling to us as we loiter and spend in the noisy malls 
and peruse endless sales ads, ad nauseum. 
Spoiled and  poised to add to the plenty that we already have 
while the have nots who've never had close to what we've had 
stay harassed in the heave-ho of no hope. 

The get rich quick execs get their kicks 
from digging into our riches by reaching out to us. 
Pitching easy credit without any hitches but the glitch is  
that they're itchin to get us endebted. 
A pre-approved American Express or Visa with no credit limit. Incredible idn't it? 
While those applying with the express interest of being an American- inhibited from their visa- are limited 
to just a pipe dream of a green card. 

We're deep in debt with buyers regret 
always moving toward something more, yet 
we can't get 
any closer to it. Got it?

We imbibe the moment we try on our first bib. 
We thrive not on feeling thrifty but a short lived feeling of being alive right after our newest purchase, 
Always diving in forthwith without propriety 
or thinking of the less privileged in our society, 
binging on variety, forsaking sobriety 
for the sake of what our affluence affords us in its entirety. 

We need to slow down and face up to this spending show-down, 
yo, the low-down on what goes down 
is that we're no doubt the the most spoiled consumers around. 
We want so much, 
but so much so 
that what we want is just the power of suggestion
which never before were objects of our affection 
but to whose allure we're now abjectly subjected. Our only objective 
is to add to our ever growing collection. 

I'm convinced we need to come back to our senses since 
we've lost sensitivity to the difference between dollars  and cents  
and no longer incensed by the senseless spending that fogs
The clarity of greater disparity between rich and poor. 

We're just fat and NOT happy 
cause happiness is not a matter of outmatching the man next door, amassing the maximum, 
ever maneuvering to be the masters of 
our own economic destiny.

It's time to sober up. I'm so over overtly overspending. 
But now vying to be a veritable moderate model of a new mode of living modestly. 
It will be costly. 
But maybe the first purchase whose price we pay honestly. 
It's on us, see? 
Let's see what kind of human beings we can be 
without another big spending spree.